Two rival gangs, Idi Araba Boys and Olorunnisola Boys have clashed in the Mushin Area of Lagos State. The gangs were said to have destroyed close to 150 cars in the ensuing mayhem. A report by Punch Metro said the gangs clashed at a party organised by a woman, who dates men from both gangs, on Olanrewaju Street, off Itire Road.
No fewer than 150 vehicles parked in compounds and by the roadsides were reportedly vandalised during the clashes, while some members of the factions were injured.
A resident, who did not want his name in print for security reason, said one Faruk of Olorunnishola boys escalated the fight after he smashed a bottle on Abbey, a “strong member of Idi Araba boys.” He said Abbey’s gang members regrouped and went on a reprisal to Olorunishola community to unleash mayhem.
Another resident, who gave his name only as Samuel, said the hoodlums cashed in on the clashes to rob residents of their valuables. He added that the gangs clashed again last Friday during which two persons were hit with cutlasses in the head and hand respectively.
Rasheed Bakare, the Chairman, Ifetedo Community Development Association, Ishaga Close, Idi Araba, called on the state government to intervene, noting that the gangs had created panic in the affected communities.
ASP Olarinde Famous-Cole, the Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, said the police had started a regular patrol of the areas.
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