Donald Trump is playing into North Korea’s hands by turning on the South, accusing it of appeasement, snubbing its leader and threatening to end their trade deal in moves that analysts say risk weakening a decades-long alliance.
More than 24 hours after Pyongyang
shook the ground and the world with what it said was a hydrogen bomb
test, the US president had yet to speak to his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-In.
But he had already had a telephone conversation with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, their second of the weekend.
In a series of tweets posted hours after the test, Trump denounced the North but also criticised Seoul, saying: "South
Korea is finding, as I have told them, that their talk of appeasement
with North Korea will not work, they only understand one thing!"
came after he said on Saturday he was considering pulling the United
States out of its free trade pact with the South -- an economic deal
that analysts say underpins the breadth of the relationship between the
two countries, which have been security allies for nearly 70 years.
unexpected attack on the country took many by surprise, and analysts
say his undisciplined tweets were worsening the situation at a crisis
Moon backs engagement with the
North as well as sanctions to bring it to the negotiating table, and
called for stronger measures in response to the latest nuclear test.
John Delury of Yonsei University in Seoul said Trump was comparing Moon
to Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister who sought to satisfy
Adolf Hitler's territorial demands in Europe before the Second World
"What it indicates is that he puts
so little value in that relationship right now that he is willing to
publicly attack his partner in Seoul," he told AFP.
US is security guarantor for the democratic and capitalist South, where
28,500 US troops are stationed to defend it from Pyongyang after the
1950-53 Korean War ended with a ceasefire instead of a peace treaty.
alliance with Seoul has been a key pillar of Washington's geopolitical
strategy in Asia, where China is increasingly flexing its muscles and
the North has made rapid advances in its weapons programmes.
But as well as talking to Japan's Abe, Trump tweeted that China was "trying to help but with little success".
"The hierarchy is clear that South Korea is at the bottom of the pile," Delury told AFP.
approach could be "absolutely fatal for US NK policy" tweeted Adam
Mount, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, adding:
"Alliance cohesion is the easiest and most important signal to send
"Trump's views on trade, negotiations, policy inconsistency, threats, & other slights have ravaged the alliance," he said.
-- 'Dumb and dangerous' --
the campaign trail, Trump accused South Korea of not paying enough for
its defence and threatened to scrap a "horrible" bilateral trade pact,
triggering major concerns about the alliance.
concerns have resurfaced in Seoul after Trump said that he would
discuss the possible withdrawal from the five-year-old US-Korea free
trade agreement (FTA), known as KORUS, with his aides this week. "It's
very much on my mind," he said.
The trade pact carries symbolic value as it had been billed as something that can "buttress the alliance", said Delury.
it would be the economic equivalent of "pulling the rug out" from
underneath South Korea just when it is under threat from the North,
Delury said.
South Korean media also warned of the potential consequences.
the deal would "send the wrong message to North Korea about the
alliance", the JoongAng Ilbo said in an editorial Monday, "at a time
when North Korea has pushed brinkmanship over nuclear and missile
programs to the limit".
Colin Kahl of
Georgetown University, who worked for the Obama administration, said the
US should make reassuring South Korea and Japan its top priority.
alliance solidarity at this moment is dumb and dangerous," he tweeted,
adding: "The Administration needs to speak with one voice before
confusion splits the US from its allies, produces a war, or both."
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