It was massive last year as independent day as OUR DAILY MANNA aka Manna Prayer Mountain Celebrate Nigeria at years on October 1st 2016, for many members and workers of O.D.M/M.P.M as an enterprise that appeared to stir their patriotic juices as they danced and sang on the streets of Lagos, giving out free copies of OUR DAILY MANNA to people as a sign of unity.

It is not only appropriate on this Independence Day, we are convinced also that as you join us to give out free copies of ODM to every Nigerian that has not once bought and read it, they would find that independence of spirit to become what they want to be.
As it is writen; If God could use a donkey to speak to a wayward prophet, there’s nobody that He cannot use. Indeed, there’s no king or president that is too big for God to control! We Pray that God will Use President Buhari to unify Nigeria on the path of progress and prosperity.
The occasion should be taken seriously. Winston Churchill says: ‘There come a special moment in everyone’s life, a moment for which that person was born. That special opportunity, when he seizes it, will fulfil his mission – a mission for which he is uniquely qualified. In that moment he finds greatness, it is his finest hour.” My prayer is that your labour shall not be wasted; as this might be the moment that you find greatness!
“Yes, this could be your finest hour, as I know that for every soul you win, there’s a crown that awaits you!”
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