Best Ways to Evaluate Business Strategies
by Bert Markgraf, Demand Media
Strategies help businesses reach their goals.
Businesses of all sizes develop strategies to help them reach
their goals. You can evaluate business strategies before you implement
them or after the activities they specify are finished. Evaluating a
strategy before implementation lets you make improvements if necessary,
while an evaluation afterward helps avoid mistakes in future strategic
initiatives. Such evaluations analyze the effectiveness of a strategy
and are a key factor in improving overall business performance.
Internal Consistency
If a strategy is to be effective, it cannot be internally
inconsistent or have policies or targets that conflict with overall
company structures or goals. The evaluation verifies whether its
approach to the internal organization of the company and operations
reinforces the valuable aspects of existing structures. The targets
specified by the strategy have to match overall company goals. The
internal elements of the strategy have to all further the same
objectives and avoid conflicting measures.
External Environment
In addition to being consistent with the internal company
structures, a strategy has to match its external environment. Companies
exist in a marketplace that includes customers, competitors and
regulatory bodies. Businesses create value and deliver benefits. They
incur costs and make profits within an existing pricing structure. The
evaluation analyzes to what extent the strategy addresses these factors
in a consistent manner — for example, verifying that the value creation
specified by the strategy matches target market needs.
Related Reading: Competitive Business Strategies
Strategic Advantages
A strategy has to create advantages to make its implementation
worthwhile. The benefits of the strategy have to be substantially
greater than the costs of carrying it out, and the strategy has to
create competitive advantages in the marketplace. It could, for example,
change a product to increase its value for a specific market segment
that needs the change. The evaluation compares the costs related to
strategy activities, the benefits to the company and what strategic
advantages the strategy predicts.
An evaluation of strategy feasibility asks whether the company
has the ability to implement the strategy. It checks that company
resources, personnel available for carrying out the work and the
expertise of the available staff are adequate. It compares what is
available with what the strategy needs for its implementation. It
analyzes the consequences of doing the work and identifies any new
issues that may surface as a result. A test of its effectiveness is
whether it has reached its targets.